Obtaining US3D Previously you may have received use of US3D under a license granted by the University of Minnesota. Starting February 2018, US3D licensing, distribution, and user support is being managed by VirtusAero LLC, with annual software leases. It was necessary to make this change because it became impossible to provide adequate user support through the University of Minnesota, since there is no funding mechanism for providing that support. Our goal is to ensure that US3D continues to develop new capabilities to support of United States hypersonics interests. In addition, it will be possible to provide more robust user support and respond to user needs. We understand that implementing this change will take some time, and we can offer no-cost licenses and other solutions to help during the transition. If you need to obtain or renew a license, would like to request a quote, are concerned about how best to move forward, or if you have any other questions, please contact me at hbjohnson@virtusaero.com.
US3D-1.1.0 is now available. In addition to the latest code additions, improvements, and changes, the manuals have been revised and improved — this cleanup and improvement is ongoing. More example problems have been created to help demonstrate the new features and capabilities that are available as both user subroutines and plug-ins, and training materials are being updated.
Plugins Development work on US3D-1.1 plugins is ongoing at VirtusAero, at the University of Minnesota, and by US3D-1.1 users transitioning user subroutines from older versions of US3D. We will do our best to keep you updated about available plugins in these newsletters, and on the VirtusAero website: www.virtusaero.com
More Compatibility Binaries are now being built for GNU GCC compiler versions 4.4 – 8.1, Intel 14 – 18, and OpenMPI versions 1.6 – 3.1 as well as Intel MPI, making it much easier to find a version compatible with your system configuration.
Easier Installation Installation of US3D-1.1 is now much easier with an improved installation script. ParMETIS and HDF5 libraries are now included so you do not need to worry about building compatible versions of these libraries.
For people who still wish to run the US3D-1.0, the US3D-1.0-RCXX (release candidate) version is still maintained. The latest release of US3D-1.0 is numbered as US3D-1.0-RC22.30 and is likely to be the last release of the US3D-1.0-RC-XX series. Instead, we’ll likely release the next update as US3D-1.0.0. This version includes fixes to problems that were found during routine testing or which were reported by users. The changes made in the last couple of 1.0-RC-XX versions are listed below. The latest US3D-1.0 release is now available on the VirtusAero fileshare and on the University of Minnesota Google Drive download site. If you need download information or updated decryption keys, or if you have other questions, please email the helpdesk (us3d-help@virtusaero.com).
Latest Changes in US3D-1.0 US3D-1.0-RC22.30 (2018-05-16) —————————— – Fix user subroutine issue with us3d_user_mvg – Fix minor postprocessor mask size error – Fix installation problem with default user subroutine library – Fix segmentation fault with periodic BC’s in special cases. – Cleanup of user_trans example
US3D-1.0-RC22.29 (2018-04-03) —————————— – Fix C wrappers giving problems on some systems – Fix startup script parsing of some arguments
US3D-1.0-RC22.28 (2018-02-22) —————————— – Fix some example problems – Fix a build issue that can cause undefined symbols in the default user library when linking with other codes – Improved error trapping in reading chemistry files