Linux Environment Modules

Linux Environment Modules

You’ll also want to install Linux Environment Modules

git clone modules.git
cd modules.git
./configure --prefix=/software/modules
make && make install

You’ll want to create GCC and OpenMPI modules. Mine look something like:

hjohnson@kvm-centos-7> module display compilers/gcc/5.2.0

module-whatis Sets the environment for running GCC-5.2.0
prepend-path PATH /software/gcc/5.2.0/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /software/gcc/5.2.0/lib64
conflict compilers/gcc

hjohnson@kvm-centos-7> cat /software/modules/compilers/gcc/5.2.0
#%Module 1.0
module-whatis "Sets the environment for running GCC-5.2.0"
set ghome /software/gcc/5.2.0
prepend-path PATH $ghome/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ghome/lib64
conflict compilers/gcc

hjohnson@kvm-centos-7> module display openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0

module-whatis Sets the environment for using OpenMPI with gnu compilers
prereq compilers/gcc/5.2.0
setenv OPENMPI_HOME /software/openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0
prepend-path PATH /software/openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /software/openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0/lib
conflict openmpi

hjohnson@kvm-centos-7> cat /software/modules/openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0
#%Module 1.0
module-whatis "Sets the environment for using OpenMPI with gnu compilers"
prereq compilers/gcc/5.2.0
set ompi /software/openmpi/3.1.0/gcc/5.2.0
setenv OPENMPI_HOME $ompi
prepend-path PATH $ompi/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ompi/lib
conflict openmpi

Use the Environment Modules to build and keep track of the different GCC and OpenMPI versions that you install.